Friday, January 8, 2010

Love Thyself...

It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not.  ~ Author Unknown

Most nights around midnight or so I turn everything in my room off. I turn off any lights, my television, and my laptop.  I then turn on the iPod as I find that this is the only way I can find complete and utter peace as I search the confines of my mind for answers to questions that I may or may not realize I have.  One night while engaging in this nightly practice, I found myself questioning why there is such an ever-expanding cloud of negativity in this world, both locally and internationally.  From slanderous and hateful actions to sorrowful and down-trodden comments, it appears the world has a growing negative karma that is encompassing us all.  The only answer that I could come up with is that we all have lost something that was once so dear to each of us, ourselves.

The topic of discussion for this article is evaluating self-worth.  More often than not, I find that we do not value ourselves.  For many, this fact is the single motivating factor for their daily existence as they fight daily to better themselves.  In this situation, which is a very common one, many of us feel that we are not good enough and as such we become unhappy with ourselves.  This discontent manifests itself, more often than not, as anger or sadness and thus we reach the world we all wish was different.  What should happen is that we should understand that it is our uniqueness that separates each of us into the great beings we are.  The complexion of the skin, the curve of ones body, the tempo of ones speech are all separate factors that come together to build the perfect being for your situation.  Unfortunately many of us cannot see the finish line ahead because we are too focused on the paces before us.  Dare to be different because from this difference comes the basis for great things.  Your perspective on life may be similar in some ways to others but it is our individual sight that allows one person to see what another cannot.  I find that as I began to realize just how special I am and truly believe in myself so too did others.  Often times the greatest barrier in life is not the neighborhood you grew up in or the bad situations we are dealt. Instead our greatest barrier is simply ourselves.

As I leave you with this post I have just a few more words of wisdom.  The first are a question: When you look into the mirror... Do you recognize who you see? If not then what are you doing to grow closer to that person or to make that person more like who you think you are.  It should be stated, and this is a personal saying that I have created and live by, "One should tidy up their own home before invite guests."  By this I mean that many relationships fail because we are unfamiliar with ourselves and we internally live in shambles.  As such when we bring someone else in these pieces are generally scattered more and this ends in both chaos and dismay.  To fix this, consult none other than yourself and find out just what your desires are.  You'll find some of the most interesting conversations occur between you and your inner psyche once you decide to be real to yourself about yourself.  God bless and I hope these words find you in the best of spirits so that they may truly impact you!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Kanye West VH1 Storytellers DVD/CD

Many who have the pleasure of personally knowing me know that I am a major Kanye West fan.  When news got out that Roc-A-Fella was releasing Mr. West's performance on VH1's Storytellers, images of vibrant lighting and inspiring words rushed back as I remembered seeing the performance months back.  I stand behind my statement that this performance is arguably one of the greatest performances ever to be caught on film.  How about we examine why.

The performance opens with Kanye speaking: "So many people get caught up in trying to remake their first album. It is impossible for me to make another College Dropout but I could make the best Graduation and best 808s I can make and that's how you keep on advancing as an artist.  So few hip hop artists have ever advanced.  There songs on their 7th or 8th album sound exactly like the songs on their first album. More than the artist, I'm a real person... and real people grow!"  These words would be the foundation for the entire show as the strings of "See You In My Nightmares" slowly creep in and the show opens.  The room is dark with only a spotlight placed on Kanye instantly creating the intimate and personal atmosphere that is expected from the "Storytellers" series.  As the intensity of the song grows stronger with each inflection of Kanye's voice the anticipation grows more and more until finally all the lights drop and we see this amazing blend of live instrumentation and ambient lighting.  The song rushes forward until it's peak where it then completely drops out and his song "Robocop" creeps in like the first rays of sun after a devastating storm.  West then follows the shows format of performance followed by insight into the song.  Quite possibly one of the most serious moments comes during his rendition of "Flashing Lights".  During this West lays out the backgrounds and leaves only the main strings. He then goes on to give true insight into how he sees himself given the transgressions of his career. He even goes on to say "I stand before you just a human being trying to improve under the microscope." I mean I could go on and on from the inspiring words of "Amazing" and "Touch The Sky", my personal favorites, to the feel good performance of "Good Life" and "Stronger".  The performance rendered by Kanye on that night is one that will be talked about for years.  What makes his performance so great is his understanding of the opportunities that live performance give an artist.  Using certain lighting at certain times can increase the impact of ones words that much more.  This is echoed by his understanding of the impact of certain instruments at certain times to highlight what he is speaking at the time.  All in all, Kanye West's concept of crowd psychology and music psychology is what makes his live performance such masterpieces.  Amazing is quite simply one of the best words to describe them.

Here is my numeric review of the DVD/CD

Presentation: 5.0
Concept: 5.0
Song Content: 5.0
Crowd Response: 5.0
Re-playability:  5.0
Overall: 5.0

Here is the order of the performance:
1. See You in My Nightmares
2. Robocop
3. Flashing Lights
4. Amazing
5. Touch the Sky
6. Say You Will
7. Good Life
8. Heartless/Pinocchio Story
9. Stronger
10. Homecoming
11. Street Lights
12. Paranoid
13. Bonus Material




Touch The Sky

Flashing Lights
